Tuesday, January 1, 2013

December 2012

CPB Holiday closings

CPB will be closing a few hours early on Thursday, December 6th at 1:30 for our Annual Staff Appreciation event.   CPB will be closed on December 24 & 25 for Christmas.

Congress and the “fiscal cliff”

Current “wisdom” is to save as much cash as you can before the end of the year.  In the Atlantic City Press last week there was discussion that the Democrats may not cut a deal until January as a way to force the Republicans to make more concessions.  Of course the Republicans & Democrats have both been unwilling to make concessions previously – thus the “fiscal cliff.”  So, better to save now to pay bills in January than to run out of cash while Congress plays games. 


CPT Code changes for our clients affect Nerve Conduction Studies, Psychotherapy, and a couple of deleted vaccine codes (90701 & 90718).  Each client has been contacted and the new codes added to their dataset and Charge form.  Deleted codes have been indicated in Healthpac to avoid using when they are no longer valid.  

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