Monday, March 21, 2011



AssistMed Highlights Cost- and Time-Savings to Physicians and Billing Service Companies with Its Duet™ Digital Pen and Custom Forms Product
--Technology Eliminates Manual Processes; Improves Efficiency in Patient Care--

LOS ANGELES, CA – AssistMed, Inc. announced the results of an informal survey demonstrating improved time- and cost-savings to physicians and billing services through the utilization of the company’s Duet Digital Pen and Custom Form applications product, compared with traditional methods for capturing and delivering patient encounter data.

"We have seen improvements in processing efficiency of up to 50 percent by utilizing AssistMed’s technology, which eliminates the need to scan or fax the patient charges prior to entry. An added benefit is seamless data backup. Equally important, the elimination of manual data entry will enable our company to support new clients without requiring additional staff," said Rich Papperman, Chief Executive Officer of New Jersey-based Cape Medical Billing.

Papperman also stated, “Getting our clients paid faster is an important reason we agreed to try this technology. Of course, getting paid faster is an important issue for most providers! Depending on how a provider’s current charges are being managed, this technology can make a major difference in their speed of payment.”

Physicians are able to take advantage of AssistMed’s digital technology and custom forms, noted Papperman, to send information in real time directly to his organization’s Healthpac™ billing system. "The pen and forms fit very well into our existing office workflow. The technology is easy to use and saves time for the staff, since we have almost eliminated faxing and scanning for billing purposes," said Stuart Honick, DPM, a client of Cape Medical Billing.

“AssistMed’s billing service clients, such as Cape Medical Billing, will continue to realize even greater cost-effective benefits as more of their physicians adopt and utilize the digital pens and forms in their practice. Furthermore, an added benefit for physicians who use the pen to capture billing information is the ability to easily expand its use to capture and import patient information to their electronic health record systems,” said Raul Kivatinetz, President and Chief Operating Officer of AssistMed, Inc.

“This informal survey recognizes the opportunity of managing patient care more efficiently through innovative technology. We are pleased to receive such an enthusiastic response from our client, Cape Medical Billing, and its physician practices,” Kivatinetz added.

About AssistMed, Inc.

AssistMed Duet is a data capture, transformation, and distribution platform. It allows physicians and their staff to continue to use familiar tools such as pen and paper as well as dictation, to capture patient encounter data. The platform automatically transforms the information into structured, codified data for distribution and use in healthcare IT systems, including electronic health records systems.

Headquartered in Beverly Hills, California, AssistMed, Inc. is dedicated to the application of information technology to create elegant solutions that improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of medical practice. The company's products and services facilitate provider adoption while improving quality, streamlining workflow, and reducing costs. AssistMed’s integrated SaaS platforms, Duet™ and Trio™, include: CCHIT- and ONC-ATCB-Certified Electronic Health Record, Patient Portal, Practice Management System, and Digital Pen with Custom Forms, Dictation with Speech Recognition, Natural Language Processing and Transcription & Editing Services. AssistMed’s SaaS-based Patient Adherence Management solution compliments the suite. Additional information is available at

About Cape Medical Billing, Inc.

Cape Medical Billing was founded in 1990 by Richard C. Papperman, MBA, CHBME and is an experienced and skilled medical billing service for physicians, therapists, ambulance companies, and mental health professionals. Located in Cape May Court House, New Jersey, Cape Medical Billing provides billing services for any size practice or business and serves clients nationwide. For further information on Cape Medical Billing visit or call 1-888-633-2457.

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For AssistMed:
Laurie Dressler

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