Monday, March 21, 2011



AssistMed Highlights Cost- and Time-Savings to Physicians and Billing Service Companies with Its Duet™ Digital Pen and Custom Forms Product
--Technology Eliminates Manual Processes; Improves Efficiency in Patient Care--

LOS ANGELES, CA – AssistMed, Inc. announced the results of an informal survey demonstrating improved time- and cost-savings to physicians and billing services through the utilization of the company’s Duet Digital Pen and Custom Form applications product, compared with traditional methods for capturing and delivering patient encounter data.

"We have seen improvements in processing efficiency of up to 50 percent by utilizing AssistMed’s technology, which eliminates the need to scan or fax the patient charges prior to entry. An added benefit is seamless data backup. Equally important, the elimination of manual data entry will enable our company to support new clients without requiring additional staff," said Rich Papperman, Chief Executive Officer of New Jersey-based Cape Medical Billing.

Papperman also stated, “Getting our clients paid faster is an important reason we agreed to try this technology. Of course, getting paid faster is an important issue for most providers! Depending on how a provider’s current charges are being managed, this technology can make a major difference in their speed of payment.”

Physicians are able to take advantage of AssistMed’s digital technology and custom forms, noted Papperman, to send information in real time directly to his organization’s Healthpac™ billing system. "The pen and forms fit very well into our existing office workflow. The technology is easy to use and saves time for the staff, since we have almost eliminated faxing and scanning for billing purposes," said Stuart Honick, DPM, a client of Cape Medical Billing.

“AssistMed’s billing service clients, such as Cape Medical Billing, will continue to realize even greater cost-effective benefits as more of their physicians adopt and utilize the digital pens and forms in their practice. Furthermore, an added benefit for physicians who use the pen to capture billing information is the ability to easily expand its use to capture and import patient information to their electronic health record systems,” said Raul Kivatinetz, President and Chief Operating Officer of AssistMed, Inc.

“This informal survey recognizes the opportunity of managing patient care more efficiently through innovative technology. We are pleased to receive such an enthusiastic response from our client, Cape Medical Billing, and its physician practices,” Kivatinetz added.

About AssistMed, Inc.

AssistMed Duet is a data capture, transformation, and distribution platform. It allows physicians and their staff to continue to use familiar tools such as pen and paper as well as dictation, to capture patient encounter data. The platform automatically transforms the information into structured, codified data for distribution and use in healthcare IT systems, including electronic health records systems.

Headquartered in Beverly Hills, California, AssistMed, Inc. is dedicated to the application of information technology to create elegant solutions that improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of medical practice. The company's products and services facilitate provider adoption while improving quality, streamlining workflow, and reducing costs. AssistMed’s integrated SaaS platforms, Duet™ and Trio™, include: CCHIT- and ONC-ATCB-Certified Electronic Health Record, Patient Portal, Practice Management System, and Digital Pen with Custom Forms, Dictation with Speech Recognition, Natural Language Processing and Transcription & Editing Services. AssistMed’s SaaS-based Patient Adherence Management solution compliments the suite. Additional information is available at

About Cape Medical Billing, Inc.

Cape Medical Billing was founded in 1990 by Richard C. Papperman, MBA, CHBME and is an experienced and skilled medical billing service for physicians, therapists, ambulance companies, and mental health professionals. Located in Cape May Court House, New Jersey, Cape Medical Billing provides billing services for any size practice or business and serves clients nationwide. For further information on Cape Medical Billing visit or call 1-888-633-2457.

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For AssistMed:
Laurie Dressler

March 2011

New Medicare wellness visits

Medicare has redefined the G0402 (Initial Preventive Physical Exam). It is now valid for 12 months (it was 6 months) after the patient becomes eligible for Medicare (not the previous 6 months).

For new Medicare patients joining your practice, you will want to verify whether they received a previous well visit (G0402 now, or G0438/G0439 next year) with a previous provider before you provide that service. If so, you will need to know exactly when it was received since a full 11 months (12 months is safer) must pass before billing the subsequent AWV code. If there is any doubt, you could have the patient sign an ABN, tho technically none is required.

The AAFP has also developed some tools to assist with meeting the AWV documentation requirements and clarify some Frequently Asked Questions. These have been emailed to all of our PCP clients. If you did not receive a copy, call Rich and we will send to you.

Medicare learning network information

To assist our PCP’s who are taking advantage of the new Medicare Wellness codes, we have ordered several documents from CMS that provide details about the program and included them & a CD in this month’s mailing:
· “Medicare Preventive Services Quick Reference Information”
· “Smoking and Tobacco-Use Cessation Counseling Services”
· A CD entitled “Medicare Preventive Services Resources”

For other providers who qualify for the CMS EMR bonus, a brochure entitled
· “Medicare Electronic Health Record Incentive Program for Eligible Professionals”

is also enclosed available. CPB has the names of both free and inexpensive EMR programs if you want to see those products. We are also happy to provide information to help you with selection and installation to minimize cash-flow disruption. I have attended 3 EMR conferences - this is a SIGNIFICANT event for your practice that will require careful planning to implement correctly. As of 6 months ago, we were hearing that 74-76% of installations were either not being used after 1 year (in some cases were uninstalled) or only being partially used. You should strongly consider taking the time to review 3-4 programs before selecting one. There are a lot of things to consider – feel free to call if you want to discuss.

Medicare 2011 ePRESCRIPTION (eRx) & PQRI

To avoid a 1% decrease in Medicare reimbursement in 2012 eligible providers MUST become an eRx prescriber no later than 6/30/11 by submitting at least 10 events on claims using a “qualified” eRx system. The decrease becomes 1.5% in 2013. CPB has updated all Charge forms to include the eRx code – be sure to circle or “check” it so we send it with your other charges.

You can receive either the eRx or the EHR incentives, but not both. One of the EHR requirements is eRx capability, so Medicare will not pay twice for having the capability.

Similar to Medicare’s Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN), TriCare has their own form to use when the patient’s signature is required for a product or service that is not covered. And just as with Medicare, a patient with TriCare must have a written agreement to pay for a non-covered service or supplies before receiving it.

A copy of the “TriCare Non-Covered Services Waiver” form is attached.

The following items are from the TriCare Policy Manual (edited to include only services we recognize our clients provide):

31. Removal of corns or calluses or trimming of toenails and other routine podiatry services, except those required as a result of a diagnosed systemic medical disease affecting the lower limbs, such as severe diabetes (see Chapter 8, Section 11.1).

37. Preventive care, such as routine annual, or employment-requested physical examinations; routine screening procedures; immunizations; except as provided in the Preventive Services policy (see Chapter 7, Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.6 and Chapter 12, Section

38. Services of chiropractors and naturopaths whether or not such services would be eligible for benefits if rendered by an authorized provider (see Chapter 7, Section 18.5).

49. Orthopedic shoes, arch supports, shoe inserts, and other supportive devices for the feet, including special-ordered, custom-made built-up shoes, or regular shoes later built up (see Chapter 8, Sections 3.1 and 11.1).

If you want to see more details of the above policies, let me know.

February 2011

Medicare – New opportunities to treat patients

As you know, each year Medicare patients must meet their annual deductible which results in a significant cash flow slow down for many providers.

An interesting way to let them meet the deductible elsewhere is for you to use the new Medicare Wellness codes.

Medicare implemented a new Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) service which does NOT require a deductible or co-insurance for the patient.
· The current Initial Preventive Physical Exam (IPPE) (CPT Code G0402), which is available within the first 6 months of Medicare eligibility, has a 2011 Allowed Amount of $158.32.
· The new Annual Wellness Visit codes have Allowed Amounts for 2011: G0438 (Initial) = $173.22, and G0439 (Subsequent years) = $115.95.

Another preventive service that will not have a deductible or co-insurance is Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use (includes counseling to stop smoking) and is are payable in addition to a regular office visit as long as there are 2 separate services (usually separate diagnosis codes):
- G0436 pays $14.89 for 3-10 minutes of counseling, and
- G0437 pays $30.08 for more than 10 minutes of counseling).

CMS allows 2 separate attempts and up to 4 visits each attempt per year. It also does NOT require a deductible or co-insurance for the patient and can be billed in addition to whatever office visit or procedure codes are billed.

New Medicare covered services

CMS has added the following requested services to the list of Medicare telehealth services for CY 2011:

• Individual and group KDE services:
HCPCS code G0420 (Face-to-face educational services related to the care of chronic kidney disease; individual, per session, per one hour), Allowed Amount $117.28; and
HCPCS code G0421 (Face-to-face educational services related to the care of chronic kidney disease; group, per session, per one hour) Allowed Amount $27.79.

• Individual and group DSMT services (with a minimum of 1 hour of in-person instruction to be furnished in the initial year training period to ensure effective injection training):
HCPCS code G0108 (Diabetes outpatient self-management training services, individual, per 30 minutes) Allowed Amount $58.58; and
HCPCS code G0109 (Diabetes outpatient self-management training services, group session (2 or more) per 30 minutes) Allowed Amount $20.21.

• Group MNT and HBAI services, Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes:
- 97804 (Medical nutrition therapy; group (2 or more individual(s)), each 30 minutes) Allowed Amount $14.86;
- 96153 (Health and behavior intervention, each 15 minutes, face-to-face; group (2 or more patients) Allowed Amount $5.02, and
- 96154 (Health and behavior intervention, each 15 minutes, face-to-face; family (with the patient present)) Allowed Amount $19.95;

Podiatrists and Nursing home visits

Effective 1/1/10, a Podiatrist can use 99304-99306 for the initial encounter. The 99304 pays about $50 more than the 99307 if the patient qualifies for the 99304.

Medicare 2011 ePRESCRIPTION (eRx) & PQRI

We have reviewed the 2011 CMS eRx requirements – the same code will be used in 2011. However, to avoid a 1% decrease in reimbursement in 2012, you must have at least 10 eRx’s in the first 6 months of 2011.

If you plan to do PQRI in 2011, be sure to check with Rich for 2011 PQRI requirements. They can change each year, and the current year’s measures and codes MUST be used in order to get paid.

Just a reminder that CMB will assist you with selection at no cost. The time to negotiate fees, including future options that you may or may not want, is before signing the purchase agreement.

Medicare prepayment review for 99204 & 99205

Highmark Medicare has announced that they will be performing prepayment reviews for all 99204 & 99205 charges. See the attached article from Highmark if you currently bill these codes.


ABN requirements include:
· A minimum of two copies, including the original, must be made so the beneficiary and health care provider each have one. The beneficiary should be given a copy of the signed and dated ABN immediately and the health care provider should retain the original copy with the beneficiary’s records.
· The ABN must not exceed one page in length; however, attachments are permitted for listing additional items and services. If an attachment sheet is used, a notation such as “See Attached Page” must be inserted in the Items/Services area of the ABN. Attached pages must include the following:
- Beneficiary’s name;
- Identification number (optional);
- Date of issuance;
- Table listing the additional items/services, the reasons Medicare may not pay, and the estimated costs; and
- A space below the table in which the beneficiary inserts his/her initials to acknowledge receipt of the attachment page.
· A visually high-contrast combination of dark ink on a pale background must be used.
· Some customization of the ABN is permitted.


If after completing and signing the ABN the beneficiary changes his/her mind, the health care provider should present the previously completed ABN to the beneficiary and request that he/she annotate the original ABN. The annotation must include a clear indication of his/her new option selection along with his/her signature and date of annotation. In situations where the health care provider is unable to present the ABN to the beneficiary in person, the health care provider may annotate the form to reflect the beneficiary’s new choice and immediately forward a copy of the annotated notice to the beneficiary to sign, date,and return.
Note: In both situations, a copy of the annotated ABN must be provided to the beneficiary as soon as possible.

If the beneficiary refuses to choose an option and/or refuses to sign the ABN, the health care provider should annotate the original copy of the ABN indicating the refusal to sign and may list witness(es) to the refusal on the notice, although this is not required. If a beneficiary refuses to sign a properly delivered ABN, the health care provider should consider not furnishing the item/service, unless the consequences (health and safety of the beneficiary, or civil liability in case of harm) are such that this is not an option.


An ABN is not needed every time for an extended course of treatment. A single ABN covering an extended course of treatment is acceptable, if the ABN identifies all items/services and duration of the period of treatment for which the health care provider believes Medicare will not pay. If the health care provider believes Medicare will deny additional services furnished during the course of treatment, a separate ABN is needed.
A single ABN for an extended course of treatment is valid for one year.