Thursday, January 14, 2010

July 2008

NPI # Information From Medicare
Payments are flowing properly!

As you know, the NPI # became mandatory for all insurers on May 23rd. As of 6/27/08 we have not received any rejected claims and are sending NPI #’s only (as required by law). We will continue to watch and address any issues as needed.

In order to prevent the exceptions process from expiring, Congress & the President must act prior to July 1. If no action, Therapy Caps – modifier will no longer work after $1,810 reached (based on date of service) – patients need to receive treatment at an outpatient hospital department or sign an ABN. If on or after July 1, a beneficiary has already reached the therapy cap amount for calendar year 2008, Medicare will no longer pay for the services unless they are provided in an outpatient hospital setting. Use of the modifier will not be effective on or after July 1, regardless of whether the patient had previously qualified for an exception to the therapy cap.

Technology has now reached the point that we can now send patient statements via email. Some in the billing industry have been sending them for the past 2 years. This appears to be working smoothly and saves providers the cost of USPS postage. We will be contacting each client to discuss implementing this over the next few months. If you have any comments or concerns, please give Rich a call.

Highmark Medicare was awarded the Jurisdiction 12 contract & will replace Empire Medicare for New Jersey on November 14, 2008 for PA, MD, NJ, DE & the District of Columbia. They will be requiring a new CMS-588 EFT Agreement (Electronic Funds Transfer) from every provider that is currently receiving their Medicare payments electronically. To avoid the rush in November, we would suggest that you do this early. Highmark will be sending information to you in July.

There are companies that have the ability to keep credit card information on file which can then be used to set up payments to pay patient co-pay, deductible, and co-insurance balances. If you are interested in considering such an option, let Rich know. We can show you some pretty interesting options.

CPB Holidays!

CPB will be closed on July 4th for the Independence Day holiday.
We will also be closed half a day on Friday, July 11th for our annual Employee Appreciation Day. We will be open from 9:00 – 12:00 then closed the remainder of the day.

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